Letting Go, Letting Happiness In

The ability to detach, let go and go with the flow, is amazing!  It frees the mind to see and feel the gifts in the present moment, which is where our soul lives.  While its healthy to remember fond memories and to learn from mistakes made, the past is history and can’t be changed.  Neither do we have control over the future as change is constant and adapting to it essential.  Absolutely dream and make plans to do all that is on your bucket list, but stay open to the thrill of the mystery and adventure that is our life journey.  Stay present and jump for joy with all your soul – it’s the best place in the world to live.  ♥

Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In.

About tether abundance

abundance tetherer, social advocate, bodacious blogger, jill of all trades, rebel businesswoman, ah-ha coach, caring friend, soul sister, blessed daughter, laughin', learnin' & lovin' along the thrilling roller coaster journey of my life. Personable and perceptive, I'm all about the abundance, the glass half full, I get jazzed about making a difference where I can together with other people. Like everyone, I've lived through the good, the bad and the ugly times, personally and professionally, that are inevitable in life's journey. Along the way, I've been fortunate to learn non-stop, get a BSc.and MBA, and had my fair share of success over 28 years working with a fascinating array of people in a diverse range of industries, sectors and organizations, from single person entrepreneurs to global Fortune 500 companies.
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